Arrangements in place for two-day RSIPF Open Day program

Members of the public in Honiara as well as schools in and around the capital will able to find out about what the various departments of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) do daily when they visit the 2018 RSIPF Open Day which opens at the Rove Police Sport Ground in West Honiara tomorrow (27 September).

“The theme for the Open Day – ‘Polis blo iu Open Day 2018’ gives the opportunity for various departments of RSIPF here at the Headquarters in Honiara as well as in the provinces to show case their roles and functions,” says Assistant Commissioner of Police, National Capital and Crime Prevention and Chair of the Open Day Organising Committee, Superintendent Solomon Sisimia

“Members of the public including schools in Honiara must make use of this opportunity to know more about Polis blo iu by visiting the stalls after the Open Day officially opens in Honiara tomorrow (27 September 2018),” says ACP Sisimia

There will be about 20 different stalls showcasing work of the various departments and units within the RSIPF as well as some of its stakeholders including members of SAFENET, the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industries, the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission, the Leadership Code Commission, the Office of the Ombudsman and the Correctional Services of Solomon Islands,”

ACP Sisimia adds: “In the provinces, the provincial police commanders are organizing their own programs and my committee has been informed that this will include visits to the police stations as well as sports activities.”

“This is the first time that the RSIPF has been able to organize such an Open Day program since the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) left in June last year. We hope to make this an annual event,” says ACP Sisimia.