RSIPF commemorates Blue Ribbon Day

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) today commemorated the Blue Ribbon Day at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara to honor those officers who has passed on in the past 12 months.

The event is marked annually by Police officers in the country and internationally.

For the past 12 months RSIPF has lost three of its officers. They are late Staff Sergeant Rolland Lapo who served 36 years, late Senior Police Constable Zephaniah Rangi who served for 12 years and late Police Constable Tetoa Mosese who served for 5 years 3 months.

Speaking at the remembrance service, RSIPF Chief of Staff Superintendent George Paikai say, “Today as we honor our officers who have given their lives in the course of their duties, it would be more fitting for me to say; the risks facing our police officers in pursuit of peace and freedom is something we all recognize.”

He adds: “When a person becomes a sworn police officer, he or she commits to putting the security and welfare of others before them and each of these fallen officers reminds us of the dangers our police officers face while serving the public and keeping our communities safe.”

“Today we honor them and we look to them with respect and gratitude and hold them in our memories for the services they have provided through their services to this nation,” says Superintendent Paikai.

He adds: “To the immediate and extended families of the our fallen brothers who are here today, we share your pride in your loved one’s role as a Police Officer, a guardian, mentor and role model to our communities. Today we reflect on those who are gone and celebrate their legacy. Their work for a safer Solomon Islands, their courage and their sacrifice will never be forgotten.”

The service was attended Police officers, invited guests, some members of the diplomatic corp and family members of the late officers.