RSIPF must succeed – Commissioner Varley

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) must succeed in its work of ensuring a safe and peaceful Solomon Islands and for this to happen the leadership in the Force must work as a team.

“I want to thank you all for your commitment to the RSIPF through your leadership as provincial police commanders (PPCs) and departmental directors,” says Commissioner Matthew Varley when addressing the week-long PPCs and Directors 2018 Annual Conference which opened at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara today( 1 October 2018).

The Conference with the theme – Strengthening Policing Services through Partnerships, Accountability and Leadership, will review the 2018 Annual Business Plan as well as discuss and develop the 2019 Annual Business Plan

The PPCs and Directors will also review and discuss the RSIPF’s 2019 National General Election operational planning and preparedness and discuss the 2019 – 2022 draft Crime Prevention Strategy.

“I want to especially thank the PPCs who have to operate in very tough environment. Thank you for taking up the challenge. Thank you for your commitment,” says Commissioner Varley.

He adds: “This Conference is an opportunity for our executive, the PPCs and the Directors to share and engage with each other and come up with ways we can work together and succeed in the mandate that we have to ensure Solomon Islands is a safe and peaceful country.”

“Despite the challenges we are working under, I believe the RSIPF has done a great job in tackling crime in this country. I understand the Solomon Islands government is happy and proud of the work the RSIPF has done through its frontline officers and specialised units.”

“The world is noticing the work the RSIPF is doing. We have become role models for police forces in the Pacific region. We must continue to maintain the high standard we have now become known for. The only way we can do this is to work as a team from the Executive level to the PPCs, Directors and all ranks and files,” says Commissioner Varley.

When opening the Conference, the Minister of Police, National Security and Correctional Services, Hon. Moses Garu told the PPCs and Directors: “The Strategic Direction and Annual Business Plan that you will review has crucial importance as it will fulfil one of the priority actions of the current Government.”

Hon. Garu adds: “It is important that a revision such as this is made to continually address the operational and administrative needs of the RSIPF. Both the Ministry and the RSIPF will always work together to address important areas on the strategic directions and plans of the RSIPF.