RSIPF and AFP scientifically confirm cocaine on yacht

The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) and Australian Federal Police (AFP) Forensic investigators have scientifically confirmed that the 500 kilograms of drugs seized off the yacht Vieux Malin in Honiara on 28 September 2018 is cocaine.

Speaking during the RSIPF Commissioner’s weekly media conference at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara today (4 October 2018), Assistant Commissioner (AC) Crime and Intelligence Ian Vaevaso says, “With the help of AFP investigators and Forensic specialists as well as members of the RSIPF Forensic team the narcotics was scientifically tested and confirmed positive to be cocaine.”

AC Vaevaso adds: “Other processes we undertaken includes the finger printing of what is on the cocaine for the Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA). Samples of the cocaine will be sent to Australia to check the level of purity which is very important when the case goes to court.”

AC Vaevaso says, “These processes have been completed and the bulk cocaine is safely secured waiting for proper disposal. The 500 kilogram of cocaine will be disposed at the Order of the Court at appropriate time, however through a safe and authorized disposal method which is yet to be determined.”

He says, “The yacht carrying the cocaine which has been seized under a search warrant is a police exhibit and is currently in police custody. Police will apply to the Court for a forfeiture of the boat and a decision will be made on what to do with it after it has been forfeited.”

Commissioner of RSIPF, Matthew Varley congratulated AC Vaevaso and his team of investigators and forensic officers for the great job they have done with the help of the AFP officers from the historical discovery of the 500 kilograms of cocaine and the investigation so far.