Police investigate fatal accident in Malaita Province

Police at Auki in Malaita Province is investigating a fatal accident that occurred in the Fulo area near Bona Village in West Kwaio on 5 October 2018.

Operation Manager Malaita Provincial Police, Inspector Michael Maebiru says, “It was a sad incident that claimed the life of a male person in his 60’s from Fulo Village. It is alleged he was travelling on a vehicle owned by the Jubilant Development Company operating in the Fulo area.

Inspector Maebiru explains: “In the early morning of 5 October the deceased and other two male persons were travelling on board a company vehicle (loader) from the Fulo logging camp to Koletutu Village some 10 to 15 kilometres away to buy beer.”

Inspector Maebiru says, “It was alleged that the trio were already under the influence of alcohol at that time. It is further alleged that the three men bought about 20 bottles of the illegally brewed alcohol (kwaso) and continued with their drinking spree as they returned to the logging camp.”

He adds: “On their way back they entered the southern end of Fulo Bridge when the incident happened. It is alleged the driver was not able to control the loader as it bounced onto the bridge. The deceased subsequently fell off the vehicle onto the road and was allegedly run over.”

“The driver upon realising what happened stopped the vehicle and went down to check on the deceased whilst the third person took off on foot for fear of being attacked.”

Inspector Maebiru says, “Upon realising that the deceased was badly injured and could not help himself the driver then assisted the deceased from the road towards under the bridge.”

“The deceased’s body was later discovered by passengers of a public transport and taken to a nearby clinic where the body was externally examined by medical authorities and pronounced dead.”

“On behalf of the police, I wish to extend our condolences and sympathy to the family and relatives of the deceased for the untimely loss of their old man,” says Inspector Maebiru.
He adds: “I call on all parties involved in this incident to allow the police to progress its investigation into the matter and not to take the law into their own hands.”
Police warn employees, members of the public and responsible owners of vehicles and drivers to stop drink and drive and the common trend of unauthorised use of company, private and government vehicles for such illegal purposes.