AAR program handed to RSIPF

The Managing Director of the New Intelligence Company in Australia officially handed over the Accountability, Authority and Responsibility (AAR) program to the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) on 15 October 2018 at Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara.

Assistant Commissioner (AC) National Capital and Crime Prevention, Solomon Sisimia says, “I would like to acknowledge Mr Steve Longford and Mr Greg Phillips of the New Intelligence Company for the very important AAR program delivered to RSIPF.”

AC Sisimia says, “The RSIPF has gone through a rough time during the so called ethnic crisis which changed the behaviour of policing until the intervention of the Reginal Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI). The Mission delivered many capacity and leadership training programs to RSIPF and AAR was one of them.”

He says, “Making operational decisions is one of the challenges and difficulties encountered by both junior and senior officers of RSIPF in every day operational duties. This program provides opportunity for RSIPF to become a strong police force and will assist decision makers who may be required to justify, explain and defend their decisions made at later times”

“The program also helps RSIPF to understand why and how they can better perform their roles within the police force and create a better organisation for the future,” says AC Sisimia.

Mr Sisimia says, “There are total of eight hundred plus officers from Honiara and the Provinces that have gone through the AAR program. Out of eight hundred, twenty five officers were identified as train the trainers to facilitate the program locally.”