Police participation in Rural Women’s Day in Central Province appreciated

Police at Tulagi in Central Province have been praised for their participation during a programme to mark the official launching of International Rural Women’s Day in that Province on 15 October 2018.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Central Province, Inspector John Sara says, “The programme was held on Nagotano Island in Sandfly Buenavester. Between five to six hundred women from around the Sandfly area gathered to celebrate the event. This is the first time ever for such an event to be conducted in the rural communities.”

Inspector Sara says, “I wish to thank those members of the local communities who attended the event for keeping the peace during the launching ceremony. Police is always prepared to be present during such occasions in case any problem happens.”

“I would like to thank the organisers of the event for requesting my officers to participate and also would like to acknowledge the good behaviour shown during the program.”

Deputy Premier, Central Province Hon Selwyn Luga during his speech at the event acknowledged the presence of police officers during the program.
Hon. Luga said, “It proved that police have a concern to ensure our rural dwellers are safe and we have crime free communities. We fully trust and have confidence in the police to perform their duties in our islands and province.