RSIPF farewell 10 retired officers

The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) today 18 October 2018 farewelled 10 of its officers who have retired from the Force during a ceremony at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara.

The ceremony included a farewell parade and light refreshments for the retired police officers.

The parade commander for the farewell ceremony was one of the retired officers Superintendent Paul Bulu.

Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force Matthew Varley during the farewell parade says, “It’s a wonderful parade this morning for everyone to come out and wish and farewell our retired officers all the best for the next chapter of their lives.”

Commissioner Varley adds: “This morning we have a very special parade and we will be recognising a group of RSIPF officers who have served the Force with long standing distinction and pride over many years throughout the course of their careers. We will present them with retirement certificates and plagues in commemoration of their service to the Force and people of Solomon Islands.”

He explains: “When you look back at the history of this organisation it is built on the hard work, determination and the courage of officers like those who are retiring today. On behalf of your RSIPF colleagues here today, your colleagues across the country, and the grateful people of Solomon Islands, we congratulate you for your service and we say thank you.”

In his speech during the farewell function, representative of the retired officers Superintendent Paul Bulu says, “Before I go home I would like to say to all young serving Police officers: being a Police officer will always be challenging. But we are here to serve our people, our communities and our nation as a whole. We had run the race and reached the finishing line. Let us always remind ourselves of the saying, ‘obedience is better than sacrifice’.”

He further adds: “Discipline is the only way we can serve with loyalty, dignity and trust in order to be an independent police officer.”