RSIPF ‘Royals’ finished fourth in inaugural PACMIL Sevens

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Rugby Team ‘The Royals’ returned home on 15 October 2018 after they came fourth in the inaugural Pacific Military Women’s Rugby sevens tournament (PACMIL Sevens) in Canberra, Australia.

The tournament, organized and funded by the Australian Defense Force (ADF), was attended by other Pacific nations including Australia, Fiji Tonga, Vanuatu, Samoa, New Zealand and the Cook Islands.

“Finishing fourth exceeded everyone’s expectations, but we trained hard to get there. So to finish ahead of all the other pacific nations makes us all so proud of our achievement” says delegation leader, Inspector Ileen Ukebule.”

She adds: “This tournament has been an incredible learning experience. We have met and connected with other women in police, military and regional security roles and you can be assured that we will nurture these new friendships for the good of the Pacific Region.”

“On behalf of the RSIPF Women’s Rugby Team, we want to thank ADF, for the incredible experience and DFAT and the AFP SIPDP programme for their continued friendship and support. Most importantly we want to thank all the RSIPF members, our families and friends, and all Solomon Island supporters and friends that sent us messages and also came to the games and yelled and cheered for us,” says Inspector Ukebule.

‘The Royals’ assembled only four weeks before the competition. From there they trained daily to enable them to learn the skills of rugby and also get “rugby fit”. Ably lead by team captain Suzie Seuika, with great coaching and motivation by Assistant Commissioner Mostyn Mangau and Fraser Maebule. Training included daily early morning fitness sessions at the newly opened RSIPF Fitness Centre.

On the same note, the Royals Team Captain, Police Constable Suzie Seuika says, “Being able to train with and play against our fellow rugby girls in Honiara was an important development feature. This has enabled women’s rugby to gain momentum and dates have been set to commence the Honiara Women’s rugby competition, which has been absent for the past few years and I encourage all women and girls to come and play rugby. It’s the best sport to play.”

The squad was farewelled by a night of fellowship, food and fun hosted by the Solomon Island High Commissioner and wantoks residing in Canberra, Australia.