Police Traffic operation checks 232 vehicles during weekend operation in Honiara

The Traffic Department of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) was able to check 232 vehicles during an operation undertaken in Honiara from 19 - 20 October 2018.

Supervising Director, Traffic, Inspector Brian Surimalefo says, “Out of the 232 vehicles checked the drivers of 17 of them were confirmed positive with alcohol present in their blood over the legal limit as a result of the Random Breath Test (RBT), four vehicles were unlicensed, two drivers under warrant of arrest for previous traffic cases, one driver did not have a driver’s license and one vehicle failed to display the necessary documents.”

Inspector Surimalefo explains: “This operation was to track down the undisciplined drivers who always escape from police road blocks and ignore police traffic awareness on drink driving and other traffic offences. This is to discourage anti-social behaviour on our roads.”

He says, “On 19 and 20 October 2018 my officers mounted an RBT operation between 10pm to 5am in the Honiara City. The operation was to target the drink driving and other traffic offences.”

Mr Surimalefo says, “This type of operation will be held at any time during the week to minimize and control such unwanted activities in our city. I appeal to vehicle owners and drivers not to drink and drive. If you thinking of having some beers make sure make an arrangement with someone with valid driving license to drive you safely home to avoid any accident.”

“Be responsible for your actions when you driving your vehicle. Check your driving license, third party documents, and vehicle license must be valid and your vehicle is road worthy.” says Mr Surimalefo.