RSIPF and SICCI take lead at tackling Fishing Village Market traffic

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industries (SICCI) are taking the lead at finding a solution to the traffic situation at the Fishing Village Market in East Honiara.

“RSIPF and SICCI have decided to take the lead in the much discussed traffic situation at the Fishing Village Market in East Honiara with the formation of a sub-committee to consider ways of resolving the situation there which has come under a lot of public criticism,” says Inspector Brian Surimalefo, the Supervising Director Traffic Department.

Inspector Surimalefo adds: “The first meeting held on 17 October 2018 was basically to work out stakeholders that should be members of this sub-committee. Now that we have worked that one out, our next meeting will be held this Wednesday 24 October. We welcome the stakeholders including the Honiara City Council, the Ministry of Infrastructure, businesses and other organisations around the area as well as a representative of Fishing Village.”

He explains: “With all these stakeholders on board our focus will be on finding solutions to minimise the traffic situation around the Fishing Village Market. That market plays an important role in providing produce for the population in that area and a source of income for market vendors but at the same time we need to comply with the Road Transport Act.”