RSIPF middle managers to benefit from training

Nineteen officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) are to benefit from a two-week intensive Middle Management Course (MMC) that concluded on 26 October 2018 at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara.

During her closing remarks, Supervising Assistant Commissioner, Corporate Support Anika Nausi says, “The Middle Management Course one of 2018 was delivered over two weeks with the aim to develop the knowledge and skill of RSIPF Supervisors in order to confidently, professionally and effectively perform their roles within the Force.”

AC Nausi says, “The training went through the participants’ understanding of the role of a supervisor and their knowledge of the relevant policies and procedures. This will enhance their knowledge and improve their skills in accordance with the organisational responsibilities, command responsibilities, leadership and legislation.”

She told the participants, "With the completion of this training program you should fully understand your role as supervisors and become role models in the areas of discipline and accountability as members of the RSIPF. This training greatly enhances the knowledge police have about government policy and priority tasks and how it supports policing in our communities.”

“I congratulate you on your completion of the two weeks program and look forward with keen interest to see how you intend to share what you have learnt and the positive changes you will bring to your work place.”

The course participants were awarded with Middle Management Course certificates during the closing program.