RSIPF NID releases fortnightly crime statistics

The National Intelligence Department (NID)of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has revealed that family violence, disturbances and disorderly behaviour; theft, fraud and robbery; and traffic offences continue to dominate the crime statistics for the fortnight 12 – 25 October 2018.

The fortnightly crime report covers incidences reported through the Central, White River and Naha Police Stations in Honiara City as well as the Henderson Police Station in Guadalcanal Province.

A total of 18 family violence reports were received by the four police stations during the two weeks, a decrease of five compared to the previous fortnight. Twelve of the reports involved alcohol. The offences involved husbands assaulting wives with the use of weapons such as knives, fighting involving children and parents in a nuclear family and the use of abusive words and intimidation.

Under disturbances and disorderly behaviour, 87 offences were reported in the four districts, an increase of 13 compared to the previous fortnight. The offences included unnecessary noise produced by intoxicated people, playing of loud music, use of abusive words and throwing stones at people’s properties.

The NID crime report showed 12 theft offences, an increase of four to the previous fortnight and four traffic offences were reported during the fortnight covered by the report.

“Based on the fortnightly crime report, frontline officers in the Central, White River and Naha Polices in Honiara City as well as the Henderson Police will plan their operations either through community awareness activities or their daily visibility patrols,” says Assistant Commissioner Crime and Intelligence, Ian Vaevaso.

AC Vaevaso adds: “Police will do as much as it can within its available resources to prevent crime and prosecute those responsible but members of our communities must also assist in preventing the crime happening in the first instance and reporting the crime once it has taken place.”

“I call on everyone within all our communities to assist Police prevent crime so we can continue to live in a safe and peaceful environment that is conducive to a bright future for our children,” says AC Vaevaso.