RSIPF clarifies Police Communication Centre outage

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) wish to advise members of the public that due to technical issues, calls coming to the Police Communication lines 23666 or the toll free line 999 during last weekend were not able to be answered.

“Over the weekend the RSIPF Police Communication Centre (PCC) at Rove Police Headquarters suffered a power surge. This had an adverse impact on the equipment and incoming calls to the PCC,” says Director of Police Communication Centre, Superintendent Ishmael Vunagi.

“As a result no calls were reaching the PCC and therefore the RSIPF PCC was unaware of any calls coming into the PCC,” Superintendent Vunagi explains.
He adds: “There are normally failsafe’s in place, namely analogue phones, which are in place in case of power outages. However it appears that the power surge which impacted on the PCC caused the analogue phones to not perform their role as a failsafe option. It is not known why this occurred.”

“We have identified the issue at fault and now working to put in place guides and contingencies should there be a reoccurrence of the weekend’s incident,” says Superintendent Vunagi.

He assures the public, “Now that a solution has been found, there is less chance of another long term outage with no calls coming into the PCC.”

If the public at any time has any problem contacting the Police Communication Centre, please contact your local police station.
RSIPF apologies to members of the public who were not able to reach the PCC during the weekend.