RSIPF assist Forestry officers execute order to seize logging equipment in Makira Ulawa Province

Police at the Kirakira in Makira Ulawa Province is assisting forestry officers execute a Commissioner of Forests order for the seizure of all forest produce, machineries and equipment of the Earthmovers Logging Company currently conducting operation at Marou Bay in the West Makira Constituency.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Makira Ulawa Province Superintendent Peter Sitai says, “The order was issued following the failure of the Company to fulfil the ‘show cause’ notice by the Commissioner of Forests issued 3 October 2018.

PPC Sitai explains: “It is alleged that the Earthmover Logging Company had committed a forestry offence in particular the extraction of trees within the Rohu customary land that is not covered under its felling license A101537.”

“Felling logs on unlicensed customary land is a serious offence under Forest Resource and Timber Utilization Act. The offence could result in a fine and seizure of forest produce and machines,” says PPC Sitai.

He adds: “Police appeals to company management and landowners to remain calm while government officials are executing their official and mandatory duties.”