Police in Central Province arrest student following allegation of indecent act on 7-year-old girl

Police in Central Province have arrested and charged a Form Three student of McMahon Community High School at Tulagi for allegedly causing an indecent act to a 7-year-old girl at the same School on 1 November 2018.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Central Province, Inspector Hugo Maelasi says, “The victim was having morning break with her friends at the School when the suspect allegedly came and tied both the hands of the victim and her friend with a skipping rope. The victim’s friend managed to escape.”

PPC Maelasi adds: “The suspect then tied the victim’s hands and the rest of her body including her legs with the rope. The victim tried to take out the rope from her legs but she could not do so because the suspect was very strong.”

Inspector Maelasi says, “It is further alleged that the male suspect then grabbed the victim and poked his finger into the victim’s private part.”
“This is a really sad incident which occurred at a school, a place where parents send their children to get an education. But instead the victim experienced something that will affect her for the rest of her live.”

PPC Maelasi says, “I advise older students to have some respect towards the little children and take extra responsibility in caring for them. Teachers are also reminded to keep an eye on the students as the parents entrust their children under their care. Police will not tolerate such an indecent act to such a little girl and will investigate and prosecute accordingly.”

The suspect has been formally charged and released on bail to reappear in Court at a later date.