Assistant Commissioners visit RSIPF officers in Gizo

Police officers in Gizo Western Province today (6 November 2018) mounted a parade for the visiting Assistant Commissioners(AC) for the Provincial portfolio, AC Joseph Manelugu and National Capital and Crime Prevention, AC Simpson Pogeava.

AC Pogeava inspected the parade.

Speaking after the parade AC Pogeava says, “It is such an honour for me to inspect the parade this morning and I want to thank the Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Western Province, Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu and his officers for the excellent turn out.”

AC Pogeava adds: “I would also like to commend you officers for your hard work and dedication throughout this year as we all work hard to serve our people and our communities.”

He adds: “Policing in this province is sometimes challenging as our islands are scattered but I want to encourage you to keep up your work.”

“To our young officers, you are the future of RSIPF and I encourage you to work closely with our community leaders, stakeholders, youth groups and the members of our Crime Prevention Committees for a safer and peaceful community,” says AC Pogeava.