Daily fitness and healthy living program pays off for RSIPF Commissioner

A daily fitness and healthy living program for the past eight weeks has paid off handsomely for the Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force, Matthew Varley.

“Eight weeks ago I set myself a challenge to improve my health and fitness with the support of the RSIPF Health & Wellness Team. I wanted to lead by example and encourage RSIPF officers to improve their own health and fitness. At my weigh in and measuring on 5 November, I have lost five kilograms and shed eight centimetres off my waist. I know it meant having to sacrifice unhealthy food that I use to crave for and going through some breath taking circuits but I can tell you I feel great at the end of the eight weeks,” says an excited Commissioner Varley.

“But the most important outcome of this program so far is that I feel better and healthier every day. I am alert and I have been able to rest well at the end of each day. There were some sacrifices and sometimes a bit of pain but honestly from the results so far, it was worth it. As the saying goes…..no pain, no gain.”
With the benefits so far, Commissioner Varley says, “I started the program as I wanted to show my officers, that if I can do it, they can also do the same in keeping a healthy lifestyle as we continue to serve the people of this nation Solomon Islands. But now with the visible results, I hope this would really encourage my officers to do the same. The RSIPF Health & Wellness staff are fantastic mentors and trainers and have supported me all the way. They are available to provide expert advice to all RSIPF officers, including in the Provinces, who may want to improve their health and fitness.”
“Policing is a very challenging job both mentally and physically, so officers need to maintain a keep fit program that will assist them perform at their maximum. I want to show my officers, I too need to be fit both physically and mentally if I am going to perform my duties. I encourage them to do likewise.”
The RSIPF Health & Wellness programme that has been designed for all RSIPF officers will work for anyone and according to the RSIPF gym staff anyone can achieve results in their daily lives by following these five very basic steps to good health.
• Be a nice, positive and happy person. Set yourself goals, laugh lots and have fun while working hard.
• Stay hydrated with plenty of water (avoid nasty fizzy, sugar drinks).
• Eat healthy balanced meals every day. Eat locally grown food as much as possible.
• Stay fit. Your heart and body will thank you. You should aim to get short wind at least once a day.
• Be strong. Your bones and muscles will thank you. Lift or carry something heavy every day. Your muscles cannot tell if you are lifting an expensive gym weight or a bag of kumara, a rock, a log or anything heavy, digging the garden. It doesn’t matter just do something strong every day.
Commissioner Varley is now in the next eight week cycle of “eight weeks to strong”. He will continue with these great daily habits and make gradual healthy outcomes.