RSIPF use sports to create awareness among youth in Honiara

In line with positive crime prevention activities and the Crime Prevention Strategy, the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is using basketball to engage with youth and create more awareness and access to health and sporting activities for young people in Honiara.

Solo Twilight Basketball is a partnership supported by the Solomon Islands Police Development Program (SIPDP) with Solomon Islands Basketball Federation, RSIPF and FIBA-O which focuses on young people participating in an active healthy lifestyle.

Its purpose is to strengthen trust and confidence between young people and local police, increase opportunities for young people to engage in prosocial activities and ultimately lessen the chance of offending behaviour developing among young people.

The partnership aligns well with the current RSIPF Kwaso Action Plan which seeks to reduce kwaso harm in communities by also providing opportunities that enhance community wellbeing. Interested stakeholders are encouraged to see this as an opportunity for positive health messaging by offering information about their services at the weekly games.

“I greatly welcome this initiative of using sports to engage youth in activities that will keep them busy from getting involved in anti-social behaviour and alcohol as well as stay healthy as the future generation of Solomon Islands,” says Provincial Police Commander, Honiara City, Chief Superintendent Stanley Riolo.

PPC Riolo adds: “I encourage all youth in Honiara City who do not have anything to do to get involved in the Solo Twilight Basketball initiative to stay healthy and keep out of mischief that might land them on the wrong side of the law.”

“I want to thank SIPDP and the partners including the Solomon Islands Basketball Federation and FIBA-O for seeing the benefits of such a proactive initiative to help youth in the capital city to be law abiding citizens of our country,” says PPC Riolo.

This initiative will start in the White River community and begins with a refurbishment of the current White River School basketball hoop. A coaching skills course for selected RSIPF staff and young people will be offered this week, with basketball clinics and games beginning on Friday 16th November at 4pm. It then aims to be rolled out to other Honiara communities next year 2019.

All White River youth are encouraged to come down to the White River school before 4pm on Friday 16th November. What to bring...good energy and a positive mindset for fun!