RSIPF investigate suspicious death of elderly man in East Guadalcanal

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in Guadalcanal Province and at the Rove Police Headquarters are investigating the suspicious death of an elderly man at the Chimiu River mouth, in the Longu area of East Guadalcanal on 8 November 2018.

“Initial reports reaching Henderson Police Station say the elderly man went missing on 7 November 2018 and his body was found at the mouth of the Chimiu River the next day 8 November. The body was taken to Totongo Clinic and was pronounced death by the registered nurse there,” says Provincial Police Commander, Guadalcanal Province, Chief Superintendent Evelyn Thugea.

PPC Thugea explains: “Police is now putting together a team of investigators from Henderson and the National Criminal Investigation Department to travel to area of the incident to investigate this sad incident.”

“Police call on relatives of the deceased to remind calm as investigation into this incident has begun. I ask people not to spread rumours but to report whatever information they have to investigators when they get to the area,” says Chief Superintendent Thugea.