Police search for missing boat with six people on board in Choiseul and Western provinces

Police in the Choiseul and Western provinces are searching for an 18 feet ray boat with six people onboard missing while travelling between Lituni Village in South Choiseul to Vella La Vella in Western Province on 13 November 2018.

The boat, painted while outside and grey inside, is powered by a 40 horsepower Suzuki engine.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Choiseul Province, Superintendent Vincent Eria explains: “The missing boat with four male and two female onboard, left Lituni Village on the morning of 13 November with another boat heading to Vella La Vella. The other boat landed safely at Varapata Village on Vella La Vella at about 11 am on the same day but the other one failed to make it.”

“I call on all communities in South Choiseul and in and around Vella La Vella Island to look out for the missing people and report any findings to the police on phone 23666 or 999 or call the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center on phones 21609, 27685 or toll free 977,” says PPC Eria.

“As we are now in the wet season, boat operators travelling between our islands in small boats are strongly urged to check the weather with Meteorological Service on phone 27658 or the toll free 933 or listen to the SIBC before embarking on your journey,” PPC Eria emphasizes.

The RSIPF patrol boat Lata, which is currently in the Western Province, is being diverted to take part in the search for the missing boat.