Missing boat in Choiseul Province found with six people on board safe

The boat with six people onboard which went missing while travelling between Lituni Village in South Choiseul to Vella La Vella in Western Province on 13 November 2018 has been found.

All six passengers, four male and two female are safe and well.

The 18 feet ray boat driven by a 40 horsepower Suzuki engine, left Lituni Village in South Choiseul on the morning of 13 November with another boat heading to Vella La Vella. The other boat landed safely at Varapata Village on Vella La Vella at about 11 am on the same day but the other one failed to make it.”

“The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Communication Centre at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara this morning received a call through a satellite phone from Luti Village on South Choiseul that the boat landed there yesterday evening (14 November) after drifting since the day before after their engine experienced a mechanical problem,” says Assistant Commissioner, Provincial, Joseph Manelugu.

AC Manelugu adds: “As part of its sea safety messaging, the RSIPF has been reminding boat owners to service their OBM’s properly before embarking on any trip between our islands. This is a classic example of what can happen when you do not service your engine. Luckily the boat and the six passengers landed safely after drifting for nearly two days.”

“Let us not take any risks while travelling between our islands in the small boats. If you are not too sure, stay ashore,” says AC Manelugu.