RSIPF Kukum Traffic Operation educates the community on parking and congestion near Fishing Village Market

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) conducted an Operation last weekend as part of its ongoing work to provide a safe environment for vehicles, pedestrians and stall holders at Fishing Village Market on the Kukum Highway in Honiara
The RSIPF and Fishing Village Chiefs and Market vendors provided education and distributed pamphlets on the issue of traffic congestion in this area. This operation was planned by the RSIPF as part of the Fishing Village Market Working Group, the Working Group is organized by the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) and RSIPF and includes the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Honiara City Council, Public Transport Authority, as well as the Chiefs and vendors at the Fishing Village Market.

During the Operation RSIPF Kukum Traffic erected barricades and provided a large presence in the area to oversee the traffic in the area as well as handing out the pamphlets.

Director of Traffic, Inspector Brian Surimalefo says, “Kukum Traffic officers thank the members of the community, and Fishing Village Market for their support and conduct during the operation. Kukum Police have received very positive feedback from the community about the operation and feeling safer traveling through the market area.”

He adds: “Police are however concerned that as soon as they left the Market, the public immediately began causing traffic issues through their illegal parking. This behavior should not happen and the actions of a few selfish people shouldn’t impact on the safety of the rest of the community.”

Inspector Surimalefo further adds: “The RSIPF will continue with the education and enforcement campaign leading into the busy Festive season and where appropriate the Kukum Traffic Centre will not hesitate to arrest people who compromise the safety of the community.”

Drivers are advised to park in front of the Fishing Village Plaza when there are parking lots available or at designated parking lots east of the Market. Those coming from the East are advised not to park on the footpaths near the Honiara International School but use the Kukum Seventh Day Adventist Church carpark when there is spare parking space.

The RSIPF remind all members of the community that Road Safety is everyone’s responsibility so let’s work together.