36 Participants benefit from a crime prevention workshop in Guadalcanal Province

Thirty-six participants, including five female, from the Tasimboko area in North East Guadalcanal have benefited from a Crime Prevention Workshop organised by the Royal Solomon Island Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at the Christian Outreach Centre on 15 November 2018.

Provincial Police Commander(PPC) Guadalcanal Province, Chief Superintendent Evelyn Thugea says, “This is the second training conducted in Guadalcanal Province after police established Community Crime Prevention Committees (CPC) in the province last year.”

PPC Thugea says, “I would like to acknowledge participants for making the commitment to attend this crime prevention workshop. The attendance demonstrates concern for the security and safety of the people in Tasimboko ward and surrounding communities.”

She explains: “The aim of the workshop is to prepare those participants with the knowledge and skills to assist with forming the Crime Prevention Committee (CPC) which will link them with the police. Police cannot be everywhere so we need your support in sharing local knowledge of the community environment. This is to ensure our communities are safe and secure. I urge community leaders to work closely with police.”

Community Policing Officer for Police in Guadalcanal Province Sergeant Mary Ake says, “Topics presented to the participants include ethical leadership, the three sources of law (divine law, customary law and the constitution) were covered with Biblical reflections, Crime Prevention Strategy presentation and Problem Solving Presentation –SARA model. The S.A.R.A (Scanning, Analyse, Response and Assessment) a problem solving model will assist participants to develop their own action plans to address issues affecting their communities and eliminate the issues before it occurs and find best solutions to address community problems for a safe and secure community.”

RSIPF Deputy Commissioner (DC) Gabriel Manelusi told the participants, “Your involvement in this workshop is a fundamental step in upskilling yourselves as members of the Ward Crime Prevention Committee. You have learnt the problem solving model and how it works in creating partnership and operationalizing the Crime Prevention Strategy to support RSIPF to improve policing at the village level.”

Mr. Manelusi adds, "The Crime Prevention Strategy is a priority for the RSIPF. If it is rolled out in all communities it will build strong relationship and partnership with the RSIPF thus building community confidence in the Force and reduce the fear of crime. It will provide an effective strategy for dealing with crime or problems within our respective villages, wards and provinces.”

At the completion of the workshop participants selected the executive members of their Crime Prevention Executive Committee. The Chairman is Rolland Jonah from Tau Village.

Mr Jonah says, “The Committee will work closely together with Police and other stakeholders to make Tasimboko a safe and secure place to live in. We will work together to make our community a crime free ward in the near future. I would like acknowledge the trust placed in me to be the Chairman of the Crime Prevention Committee for Tasimboko Ward.”

A participant at the training John Tatahu says “We are happy to build this relationship with the police. This training will enhance the knowledge and understanding of our community leaders to identify ways of resolving our daily issues and problems. This is a milestone for peace building in our communities. He urges Police and the community to work together to build a safe and secure environment.”