Police arrest four people after burning of 11 dwelling houses at Taravo Village in Guadalcanal Province

Police have so far arrested four people as investigations continue into the burning down of eleven dwelling houses at Taravo Village, in the Titige area of West Honiara, Guadalcanal Province yesterday(18 November 2018).

It is alleged the houses were burnt down after an argument occurred on 17 November 2018 during which abusive words were used against villagers of Taravo after which one of the villagers attacked the man who allegedly used abusive words and wounded him.

In retaliation about 30 plus people including relatives of the wounded man, armed themselves with knives and rocks and entered Taravo Village and threatened the villagers with violent acts. About fifty people escaped into the bush for their safety during the time of the incident.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Guadalcanal Province, Chief Superintendent Evelyn Thugea says, “Eleven houses were burnt down and property looted during the incident. Fearing for their lives the villagers took off into the bush.”

Chief Superintendent Thugea explains, “The villagers were attacked in the early hours of yesterday (Sunday 18 November 2018). The looters allegedly entered the village cutting down trees, crops, killed animals and stole valuable properties and willfully set fire to the 11 dwelling houses which were completely burnt down.”

“I am calling on my good people from both parties to calm down and allow police to investigate the whole issue which led to the incident. Please do not start anything else that will escalate the situation,” says PPC Thugea.

She adds: “The nature of the crime committed has affected the lives of the victims. Police are also assisting the victims through counselling and is working closely with relevant stakeholders to assist those who have lost their dwelling houses and properties.”

Police appeal to people in the communities at Taravo and Titige to come forward with any information that will assist the investigation. People with information can call the Henderson Police Station on phones 36200 or 36201.