A husband allegedly commits suicide after argument with wife in Central Guadalcanal

Nov/18 12:00

A husband in his 30’s has allegedly committed suicide after an argument with his wife in the Tenaru area of Central Guadalcanal on 18 November 2018.
The alleged suicide occurred after a family argument between the deceased and his wife about domestic chores.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Guadalcanal Province, Chief Superintendent Evelyn Thugea says, “The deceased and his wife started arguing over washing of their baby’s clothes on 17 November 2018.”

PPC Thugea explains: “Following the argument, the wife of the deceased took off to her sister’s place. The deceased tried asking her to come back but she refused. It was alleged the deceased took off into the bush and hang himself on a tree with a nylon rope to his neck.”

“Everyone experiences family problems and if we cannot solve these problems within our own families then we must seek help from the church and community elders. They are there to help us. Discuss your problems with a trusted friend or a colleague. Think about the impact of your decision especially on your children,” says PPC Thugea.

She adds: <blockquote>“On behalf of the police, I wish to extend our condolences and sympathy to the family and relatives of the deceased for the untimely loss of one of their members.”</blockquote>

PPC Thugea adds: “The alleged suicide incident is currently under police investigation and I appeal to people in the communities in the Tenaru area to assist police with information that they may have.”