Police investigate fatal traffic accident in Honiara

Nov/23 19:00

Police officers at the Kukum Traffic Centre in Honiara are investigating a fatal accident along the Hibiscus Avenue behind Anthony Saru building last night 23 November 2018.

Supervising Traffic Director Inspector Brian Surimalefo says, “A white two-tonne truck was allegedly involved in the hit and run accident. The incident happened between 12 midnight and 1am early this morning. The registration number of the vehicle is still unknown due to the fact that the driver switched off the vehicle lights and escaped from the scene.”

The deceased resided in the Lungga area East of Honiara,” says Inspector Surimalefo.

He adds: “An enquiry file has been established for causing death by reckless driving following the incident.”

Inspector Surimalefo further adds: “Four other traffic accidents occurred along the Prince Phillip Highway in Honiara last night and one driver was tested positive with an alcohol level of 0.151% which is above the legal level of 0.05%.”

He says, “Our sympathies and condolences to the family members of the deceased.”

“I call on any member of the public who may have been in the area of the tragic incident and may have noticed the registration number of the white two-tonne truck to contact the Kukum Traffic Centre on phone 22336,” says Inspector Surimalefo.

The Kukum Traffic Centre wishes to advise members of the public to take all precautions when walking along our roads at night especially as when we approach the Festive Season and people are returning from functions and may be consumed alcohol.

Public are reminded about the key message: DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE & DON’T DRIVE AND DRINK.