Police arrest four Bougainvilleans for alleaged armed robbery in Choiseul

Nov/28 07:00
Taro Station Choiseul Province Solomon Island

Taro police arrest and charge four Bougainvillians in Choiseul Province

File photo

Police at Taro in the Choiseul Province have arrested and charged four Bougainvillians and a Solomon Islands national with alleged armed robbery in connection with an incident at Supizae Island near Taro Station, Choiseul Province on 28 November 2018.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Choiseul Province, Superintendent Vincent Eria says, “The incident was reported to police by members of the community and my officers attended and made the arrests on the same day.”

PPC Eria says, “A shop keeper and his in law were inside a bottle shop counting the day’s takings when it is alleged that two Bougainvilleans entered the shop whilst the others including the Solomon Islander remained in their boat. It is alleged that the two Bougainvillians gained entry into the bottle shop by hitting the locked door.”

“It is further alleged that one of the two Bougainvillians held a long screw driver in his hand while he threatened, intimidated and demanded the shop keeper to give the beer and cigarettes. The shopkeeper and his in-law feared for their lives so told the Bougainvilleans to help themselves,” PPC Eria explains.

He adds: “It is alleged the two Bougainvilleans took off with cartons of alcohol and cigarettes.”

PPC Eria says, “The four Bougainvillians are expected to be deported back to their country under the Solomon Islands Immigration Act if they are found guilty after their Court appearance on 13 December 2018.”

He says, “I would like to thank my officers for the good work done as well as members of the community for supporting police with information.”

The four Bougainvilleans and the Solomon Islander are now remanded in custody and will appear in the Gizo Magistrates Court on 13 December 2018 for their trial.

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Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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