RSIPF appeal for cooperation during police operations

Dec/06 07:00
Rove Police Headquarter Honiara Solomon Islands

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is appeal to all citizens of the country for support

Chief Electoral Officer, Mose Saetala (left), Commissioner Matthew Varley (centre) and AC Simpson Pogeava updating the media on the Objection and Omissions Publi

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is appeal to all citizens of the country for support as it carries out several major security operations during the coming weeks and months.

“RSIPF throughout Solomon Islands is now going to be very busy with several operations happening at the same time over the next couple of weeks and months leading up into the National General Election early in 2019,” says RSIPF Commissioner Matthew Varley
Commissioner Varley adds: “Our resources including manpower will be a little bit stretched but as the Commissioner of Police I have all the confidence that we will deliver our mandated duties that is to ensure our citizens are safe and secure and that law and order will be maintained.”

“I want to inform our good people that police will not tolerate any person who intends to disturb the law and order for the rest of the people during the current public inquiry into the omissions and objections to the registration of voters, the Christmas and New Year Festivities, the Carol in the Islands Festival and the Sea Safety Campaign which have started or going to be held soon,” says Commissioner Varley.

He explains: “RSIPF is working together with the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission to ensure that the process towards the National General Election next year is peaceful and that people have a happy Christmas period.”

“I am calling for patience, tolerance and respect from everyone. Police will not tolerate anyone who intends to incite violence and will take stern action against them within the law.”

Commissioner Varley emphasises: “Policing in our communities is not for the RSIPF only.

I call on everyone including all leaders at all levels of our communities to speak to members of your communities and inform them of the need to respect each other and respect the laws of our country.

Police cannot be in all the communities scattered around our islands so we will depend on our leaders including chiefs, youth, women, and church leaders to assist police to prevent crime throughout our islands.”

Reports from police throughout the country reveal that so far there has been no major incident during the public hearing of the objections and omissions to the registration of voters which started at venues throughout the 50 parliamentary constituencies on Tuesday 4 December and will end on 23 December 2018.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239