Makira Ulawa Crime Prevention Council benefit from workshop

Dec/05 08:00
Makira Province Solomon Islands

CPC in Makira benefited from a day workshop on Crime Prevention Workshop

PPC Makira Ulawa Province Superintendent Peter Sitai and members of the Provincial Crime Prevention Council

Members of the Provincial Crime Prevention Council in Makira Ulawa Province have benefitted from a- one-day workshop conducted by police at Kirakira on 5 December 2018.

During the workshop, the 12 participants representing chiefs, faith-based organisations, the Ministry of Infrastructure Development, Community Governance, the Provincial Disaster Office, Village Peace Wardens, the Kirakira Correctional Services and the Family Support Centre discussed many issues including:
• Family violence;
• Roll out of the Crime Prevention Strategy;
• Enforcement of the Traffic Act;
• Enforcement of sea safety measures;
• Enforcement of the Liquor Act;
• Abuse of alcohol and other illegal substances;
• Logging issues;
• Impact of globalization; and
• The role of village chiefs.

“In terms of the issue of domestic violence or gender based violence, workshop participants agreed on the need to continue disseminate right information across all sectors of the community as well educate young couples about marriage, the role and responsibilities of the husband and wife,”

says Provincial Police Commander, Makira Ulawa Province, Superintendent Peter Sitai.

PPC Sitai adds: “It was great that we were able to get the members of the Provincial Crime Prevention Council to discuss the issues and hear their commitments to minimise anti-social behaviours during this Festive season.”

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RSIPF Media Unit
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Solomon Islands

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