Police arrest a 26-year-old male suspect for raping a 16-year-old girl in Choiseul Province

Dec/08 04:00
Choiseul Province Solomon Islands

Police arrest suspect for rape in Choiseul Province

File photo

Police at Taro in Choiseul Province arrested a 26-year-old male suspect for raping a 16-year-old girl at Ghaghara sea side in North East Choiseul on 8 December 2018.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Choiseul Province, Superintendent Vincent Eria says, “It is another sad rape incident occurred again in Choiseul Province. To make it worst the suspect of this rape incident is a close relative of the victim. The suspect supposed to be the one who should take care of the victim instead he raped her.”

PPC Eria says, “The suspect currently under police custody for further dealings and we are looking at possibilities to remand the suspect. The suspect will be charged for rape.”

Mr Eria say,

“I must remind my good parents and guardians and the people of Choiseul Province we must work together to avoid such incidents to happen in our communities. Police will not tolerate such activity in our communities.

I encourage you my good people to report such incidents and police are here to assist you by prosecuting those people.”

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