Police warn public-possession of weapon in public is an offence

Dec/15 08:00
Lawson Tama Stadium Honiara Solomon Islands

Police warn public for possession of weapon

Weapons confiscated during the operation-Carols in the Islands

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Commissioner, Matthew Varley when addressing local media at Rove Police Headquarters today (20 December) commends members of the public for the good behaviour displayed during the Carols in the Islands event on the 15 December 2018 at Lawson Tama Stadium by them.

There were about twenty thousand people attended the occasion last week, and it was a busy time for my officers and security guards involved in the search of people who entered the gates of Lawson Tama to attend the occasion. The occasion was an annual event in Solomon Islands where people, most especially children are invited to partake to the rhythm of Christmas carols songs.

“From a brief I get that though it was a peaceful occasion, there were weapons like knives, other objects like scissors and screw drivers confiscated by police officers and security guards involved in that operation. The people concerned were warned by officers and allowed to attend the occasion,” says Commissioner Varley.

He says, “Let me remind the general public, any person who goes armed in public without lawful occasion in such a manner as to cause fear to any person breaches section 83 of the Penal Code, and that person maybe arrested and any weapons confiscated maybe forfeited.”

He adds: “It is also a breach of the law (section 84 of the Penal Code) where any person who in a restricted area or place, without reasonable excuse, carries or in his/her possession or under his/her control any weapon.”

The weapons confiscated by police maybe forfeited once a decision is made not to return to the owners.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb