Parties reconcile after death of a young man in a fatal road accident in Honiara

Dec/25 08:00
Honiara Solomon Islands

Both parties reconcile after a fatal accident in Honiara

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The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) mediate a reconciliation programme between two parties involved fatal accident of a young man on 25 December 2018 in Honiara.

Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Barry Rush Saukiu says, “The mediation process started yesterday (25 December 2018) at about 4pm at Central Police Station with five representatives from each party who attended the mediation meeting.

PPC Saukiu says, “The meeting went on successfully yesterday though it’s a sad moment for the deceased party. However with some good understanding from deceased party spokesperson stated that it was a traffic accident. Yet the deceased party not demanding any high compensation but their intension to meet with accused party is to have a fair understanding of getting the deceased body back to his home village at Bellona.

Mr Saukiu says, “A spokesperson on behalf of the accused party really sorry and sympathise on behalf of his brother for causing the untimely death of the young man.”

He says, “The accused party accepted the arrangement and they ask the deceased party to give them time to organise meeting with family members to discuss and make some arrangements. The deceased party considered the request and they have an understanding.”
“After serious of deliberation on the mediation both parties stood up and shook hands with each other as it pave way towards peace,” PPC Saukiu says.

He says, “Although this kind of reconciliation arrangement done but case file open and police will investigate the fatal accident.”

PPC Saukiu says, “Police encourage road users to be mindful when using the road. Be responsible when you on the road and this apply to everyone and more especially the drivers and the pedestrians.”

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239