Gizo Police engage Officers during festive season operation

Dec/28 06:00 - Dec/31 06:00
Gizo Western Province Solomon Islands

Gizo police delivered its services to the general public through awareness talks

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Police at Gizo in Western Province had continue to delivered its services to the general public through awareness talks in the communities and attending reports when requested during the festive season operation.

On the 28 December 2018 Gizo Police had deployed officers to the Communities in and around Gizo Island to do Public awareness talks. There were three Communities visited and they are Bibolo, Vorivori and Saeraghi.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Western Province says, “The awareness talks conducted based on drug related problems and other issues affecting the youths today. This is to educate youths for them to respect the law and their community leaders, since they are the majority occupying our community’s population and are vulnerable to this type of problems.”

PPC Lenialu says, “The community elders had thanked the Police for their presence and delivering awareness talks in the festive season. Programmes were organised in each communities and it attracts quite a huge number of people which unlawful activities are prone to it.”

Mr Lenialu says, “On that same date (28 December 2018) the officers involved in the operation arrested a 19-year-old suspect who involved in a traffic accident while influence under alcohol. This is first traffic accident been attended to by Police since the beginning of the festive season operation. There were no lives lost but only minor injuries sustained by the suspect. The traffic officer dealt with suspect.”

He says, “I would like to convey my message to the vehicle drivers to respect the road users and not to take alcohol while driving. If anyone caught breaching the traffic law, police will be not tolerated but must face the full force of the law as we about to enter the New Year 2019.”

“I must commended my officers for their professionalism and integrity in delivering services to the communities in Western Province. By delivering these services effectively will make the communities built their trust and confidence in the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF),” says PPC Lenialu.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239