Police in Choiseul Province appeal to relatives of a victim for wounding report to remain calm

Jan/02 02:00
Choiseul Province Solomon Islands

Male victim brought to medical attention for multiple wounding on his back

File photo

A report from Wagina was received by police in Choiseul Province on 2 January 2019, about 4 -5 Pm a male victim was brought to the Wagina Rural Health Clinic as a result of allegedly stabbing wound of twice at the back of him with the alleged knife.

It was alleged the victim lost heavily blood from his wounds, and at this stage police could not establish the motive of the stabbing.

The police tried to contact Wagina but the telecommunication to receive the phone call could not reached, may allegedly due to bad weather.

Choiseul Province Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Superintendent Vincent Eria says, “A team of ten officers comprising of investigators, Police Response Unit (PRU) and a prosecutor had a briefing yesterday to depart to attend the report.”

“We are working on community engagement to look for radio on H F to calm down the situation as the victim relative may retaliate to the suspect since he is not arrest yet, since phone is not working at the moment,” says PPC Eria.

He says, “I appeal to relatives of both sides, victim and suspect to remain calm, not to resolve to any form of violence or take the law into your own hands, as police making arrangement to go over to Wagina Island to investigate the matter.”

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