Women and girls urged to report sexual assault offences to police

Jan/19 07:00
Central Province Solomon Islands

Women and girls urged to report sexual assault offences to police

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Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Central Province, Inspector Hugo Maelasi calls on women and girls who are victims of sexual assault to report the incidences to their nearest police station.

The call comes after police in Tulagi arrested and charged an adult male person on allegation of an indecent act on 19 January 2018 at Niu Vunuha village, Big Ngella.

Inspector Maelasi says, “It is alleged that in the early hours of 19 January 2019, the victim was asleep at her home when the suspect went to her home and allegedly touched her private part.”

He adds: “The victim then reported the matter to the village chief and the matter was reported to Police in Tulagi.”

Police attended the report and apprehended the accused and he was taken to Tulagi where he was charged with a count of Indecent Act without Consent contrary to section 136 (1) (a) of the Amendment Sexual Offences Act 2016.

“We have seen the increase of sexual offences from the past years and the need for women and girls in our communities to be respected,” says Inspector Maelasi.

PPC Maelasi emphasizes: “I would also like to encourage women and girls in our communities to come forward and report these kinds of incidents to Police. Police will not tolerate such criminal activity.”

He adds: “I would like to thank the Chief of Niu Vunuha village and the Crime Prevention Committee (CPC) members for the prompt action taken in making sure that their communities are safe.”
The accused was charged and bailed to appear before court at a later date.

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