RSIPF farewell late Chief Superintendent U’upwe

Jan/23 03:00
St Alban’s Church, Bishops Dale, West Honiara

RSIPF farewell late Chief Superintendent U’upwe

Police Officers recieve the casket of the late Chief Superintendent Vincent U'upwe.

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has farewelled the late Chief Superintendent Vincent U’upwe in a moving church service at the St Alban’s Church, Bishops Dale, in West Honiara on 23 January 2019.

The service was attended by members his family, relatives, Police officers both on duty and off duties as well as his former work colleagues.

Speaking at the service Police Commissioner Mathew Varley says, “Today I am humbled to stand here on behalf of the ranks and files of the RSIPF throughout Solomon Islands, to acknowledge the life and service of our colleague, friend and brother the late Chief Superintendent Vincent U’upwe. We come together to honour and remember the fine man, excellent police officer and distinguished leader he was.”

Commissioner Varley adds: “We cannot describe the sadness that all of us have experienced since his passing. And in recognition of his service to this country, it is our humble duty to farewell him with full police honours. Today we pause to humbly remember his service and leadership and thank God for the gift of his friendship and for knowing and working alongside him.”

“Late Vincent received numerous commendations for his excellent performance throughout his career. Through all of these achievements and activities, he became a role model for officers including his peers and junior officers. He demonstrated that being a professional Police officer and leader meant more than doing your job- he taught others what it meant being committed to always improving yourself and striving to learn and grow,” says Commissioner Varley.

He further adds: “Vincent was a true leader and highly respected by all staff under his command. He was a very conscientious leader, always willing to work through other people’s problem. Even whilst being very sick and unable to come to work, he always enquires about his staff, their problems and how the office is performing. He was an excellent people person, always had a smile and took genuine interest in those around him.”

Commissioner Varley says, “Vincent lived a life of service to his nation and his community. Today, the RSIPF salute him and we will always remember the legacy he has left behind, the lessons he taught us and the sense of service he instilled in us.”

“To the family, relatives, friends and village community of Vincent, on behalf of a grateful nation, we thank you for his service and we thank you for allowing him to serve with us in the RSIPF. We thank you and honour you for supporting Vincent through the many challenges and tough times when he, and you, made sacrifices so that he could do his duty.”

“On behalf of the Government and people of Solomon Islands, I salute him for his service. So long and farewell colleague, brother and friend, Chief Superintendent Vincent U’upwe. Rest easy, your watch is finished,” says Commissioner Varley.

The body of the late Vincent was taken to his home village at Mwajoa, Ulawa Island in Makira Ulawa Province where he will be laid to rest.

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Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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