RSIPF meet with visiting Australian security chiefs

Jan/24 08:00
Rove Police Headquarters Solomon Islands

RSIPF meet with visiting Australian security chiefs

A group photo of the Australian security chiefs with the RSIPF Executive

Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), Matthew Varley and his Executive today (24 January 2019) met with visiting heads of Australia’s security organisations including the Australian Federal Police (AFP), the Australian Defence Force (ADF), and the Australian Border Force (ABF).

The AFP Commissioner Andrew Colvin, the Chief of the ADF, General Angus Campbell and the ABF Commissioner Michael Outram are in Honiara on a one-day visit. They arrived in Honiara this morning and will leave tomorrow Friday 25 January 2019.

“We are very pleased to have been given this rare opportunity to meet the heads of Australia’s security organisations to discuss how they could assist further the RSIPF capabilities to continue maintain law and order and provide security in Solomon Islands,” says RSIPF Commissioner, Matthew Varley.

Commissioner Varley adds: “RSIPF is grateful for the current assistance from the AFP through the Solomon Islands Police Development Program (SIPDP) and the ADF through the Australian Defence Force Cooperation Program but as the security situation in the country and of course in the region and the rest of the world continues to change, we will continue to need their assistance in areas such a capacity and capability development.”

“This year of course we will have the National General Election and so the Australian security organisations would like to find out how they would be able to assist the RSIPF to ensure there is a safe and free environment to enable voters to exercise their constitutional right to cast their ballots without fear,” says Commissioner Varley.

During the visit to the Rove Police Headquarters, the visiting VIPs also laid wreaths at the RAMSI Memorial for those servicemen and women who lost their lives during the operation of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands and the HMAS Canberra in the Battle of Guadalcanal during World War II.

Chief of the ADF, General Angus Campbell also visited the RSIPF Maritime Department at the Aola Base and the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit at Hells Point, Alligator Creek, East of Honiara.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239