RSIPF investigate gun shots in Shortland Islands

Feb/06 07:00
Shortland Islands Solomon Islands

RSIPF investigate gun shots in Shortland Islands

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Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in the Western and Choiseul provinces are investigating gunshots allegedly fired in Maleai Village, in the Shortland Islands on 6 February 2019.

It is alleged that at about 6.30 am this morning (6 February 2019) a group of armed men believed to be from Bougainville went ashore at Maleai and discharged firearms.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Western Province, Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu says, “Police is investigating the alleged incident with officers being sent from Gizo and Taro Police Stations to assist officers at the Kulitanai Police Post in the Shortlands.”

PPC Lenialu explains: “It is further alleged that the group of armed men also fired a shot on a civilian person from Maleai Village who sustained minor injuries. They also threatened and wounded a foreign national who is believed to be in the Shortland Islands to buy bech-der-mer. Both victims are in a stable condition.”

“The foreign national sustained a serious wound. The group of armed men also allegedly looted the foreign national’s valuable properties and took off with large sum of money,” says PPC Lenialu.

Chief Superintendent Lenialu says, “Initial police investigations confirmed that the group of armed men were also fully armed with high powered guns and with masks to cover their faces.”

“I want to assure the people of Maleai that police is investigating the incident and we have deployed officers from Gizo and Taro to assist officers in the Shortlands. I urge people who witnessed the incident to come forward and assist the police with their investigation,” says PPC Lenialu.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239