RSIPF urges communities to work together with police for a safe NGE

Feb/06 07:00

Work together with police for this coming NGE 2019

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With the 2019 National General Election (NGE) date set for 3 April 2019, the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is now preparing its resources for the upcoming event and urges the communities throughout the country to work with the police for a safe and secure election.

Assistant Commissioner (AC) Corporate Support, Chief Superintendent Anika Nausi says: “Currently we are preparing ourselves in terms of human resources and logistics support such as transportation, fuel and rations. And we are working on a deployment plan which we see the use of air, land and sea transport to move officers to the various locations accordingly.”

“The movement of officers throughout the country is one of RSIPF’s priority tasks. But at the same time the RSIPF will also rely on our communities out there to work together with police officers to ensure law and order is maintained throughout the election process,” says AC Nausi.

She adds: “In relation to actual human resources, the RSIPF have placed a leave embargo so that all sworn officers are available to participate in the NGE. This ensures that we maximise the police coverage and involvement during the NGE period.”

“For the provincial stations, in terms of fuel, I am confident that we have sufficient fuel available for use during the NGE. We have already secured the 1st Quarter fuel for all the provincial stations awaiting shipment. Apart from the 1st Quarter fuel, we also have reserves available should the need arise for more fuel,” AC Nausi explains.

But at the same time AC Nausi says that Police alone cannot do all the work to ensure that the National Election will run smoothly.

“As we can see due to the remoteness of some of our communities and other issues, police may not be able to present 24/7 and be everywhere; therefore we need the support of people in our communities to make sure that there is a crime free polling day with no disturbances so voters cast their ballots freely,” says AC Nausi.

She emphasizes, “Information is vital in helping to make the decision where officers are placed. Police call this ‘intelligence’ and we rely on members of the community to let police know what is happening in their areas. Some areas will receive greater police focus due to intelligence.”

She adds; “The community is the main stakeholder in maintaining law and order and for maintaining peace and stability in the country. In order to see a successful NGE, it is expected that the police and communities are to work together and support each other.”

“To the communities, you too have the primary responsibility to ensure that we have a peaceful election in April until the formation of a new government. Together as citizens of this country, we can be proud to show to the region and the world that we are able to manage our country’s affairs peacefully,” says AC Anika Nausi.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239