Police arrest and charge male person on allegation of domestic violence in Western Province

Feb/01 07:00 - Feb/06 07:00
Western Province

Police arrest and charge male person on allegation of domestic violence in Western Province

File photo

Police in Gizo, Western Province have arrested and charged a male person in his 20’s for allegation of domestic violence on 1 February 2019 during an incident at Gizo.

Provincial Police Commander Western Province, Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu says, “It is alleged that on 1 February 2019, the victim, a female police officer went home after night shift duties. Upon arrival at home she sighted her partner drinking Island rum, which is a home brewed alcohol. She approached him that what he was doing is not right.”

PPC Lenialu adds: “The victim warned the accused but he refused to listen to her and threatened to kill her. She then went into her bedroom. Whilst she was there, he went after her and started to argue with her.”

“The accused became angry and aggressive. He went into the kitchen room and took a kitchen knife and returned to the where the victim was,” says PPC Lenialu.

“With the knife in his hands the accused began to tear the victim’s police uniforms including a forage cap and some other Police documents with the kitchen knife.”

PPC Lenialu explains: “The victim tried to defend herself from being harmed with the weapon (kitchen knife) but the accused with his other hand punched the victim on her face. The victim sustained facial injuries.”

He adds: “The victim reported the matter to the Police for further investigations and she went to the hospital for medication. The accused was arrested on the same day.”

The accused was charged with a count of domestic violence and malicious damage. He was taken to Gizo Magistrates Court and was granted remand. He is remanded in custody for 14 days and will reappear before the Court on 15 February 2019.

Domestic violence is a serious offence. If found guilty of the charge, a person can be sentenced to three years in prison or can face a fine up to $30,000.00 or both.

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