Police arrest another suspect for alleged robbery at sea

Feb/06 07:00 - Feb/07 07:00
Central Province Solomon Islands

Another suspect in relation to the sea robbery between Gela and Guale arrested

File photo

Police have arrested a fourth suspect on 6 February 2019 in connection with the alleged robbery at sea between Ngella and Guadalcanal Islands last month.

Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Matthew Varley says, “I would like to commend the effort by investigators from the National Criminal Investigation Division (NCID) and officers from Central Province for their commitment into the investigation which led to the arrest of the fourth suspect.”

“I must also commend members of the public for their support for the investigation which led to the arrest of the four suspects so far,” says Commissioner Varley.

The fourth suspect is a 40-year-old male, believed to be the driver of the boat that the two Asian businessmen were travelling in when the incident happened on 20 January 2019.

The suspect is expected to appear before the Honiara Central Magistrates Court for a remand application today (7 February 2019). The suspect will be charged with one count of robbery pursuant section 293 (1) (b) of the Penal Code to be read with section 21 of the Penal Code.

Initial information received by police is that the two Asian businessmen were being driven in a small boat by a local driver from Honiara to Tulagi to buy bech-der-mer. On the way there, they saw another boat floating at sea and the people onboard were waving as they needed help. On reaching the other boat, the driver of the boat transporting the two Asian businessmen, got onboard and tried to find out what happened to the other boat with three men onboard. The driver of the two Asian businessmen was knocked overboard while the three men allegedly stole the money from the two Asian businessmen. The boat driver who was knocked into the sea boarded his own boat and drove the two Asian businessmen back to Honiara.

The Serious Crime Squad of National Criminal Investigation Division (NCID) is continuing with the investigation. Police has so far only recovered $2,500 of the stolen money. The first three suspects in the alleged incident were arrested on 24 January 2019 and have since 25 January 2019.

RSIPF Commissioner Varley reminds members of the public not to take large amounts of money in their possession while travelling without proper security.

Police appeal to members of the public to assist with this investigation by contacting the Police Communication Centre on 23666 or the free toll 999. They can also email information to rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb or RSIPF-PoliceCommunications@sig.gov.sb

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb