Police investigate operation of a vessel following the death of an Asian in Renbel Province

Feb/03 08:00
Rennell and Bellona Solomon Islands

Police investigate death of an Asian male at indispensable reef

File photo

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is assisting the Rennell and Bellona (RenBel) provincial government to investigate a vessel that has been transporting divers to do diving at the Indispensable Reef following the death of an Asian male person on 3 February 2019.

Assistant Commissioner (AC) for Provincial Police Joseph Manelugu says, “The diving activity at the Indispensable Reef may not have been known if the death of the Asian had not been reported to the police at the Tigoa Police Station in West Rennell.”

“My condolences to the family of the deceased for their loss,” says AC Manelugu.

It is alleged the vessel transported divers including the deceased, who was employed by a company called ‘Triple A’ to do diving at the Reef. It is further alleged the divers did not have any permit from the Renbel Province to do diving at the location.

The Indispensable Reef is located about 50 kilometers south of Rennell Island, and is allegedly known as a customary reef of the province.

It is alleged the man died following the improper use of a compressor and gas. The body of the deceased has been flown to Honiara yesterday, 6 February 2019.

An enquiry file was been established at the Tigoa Police Station into the death of the Asian.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239
Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb