RSIPF deploy officers to western border following armed robbery incident in the Shortland Islands

Feb/08 06:00
Shortland Islands Solomon Islands

Police deploy to western border

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The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) considers the latest armed robbery incident at Maleai in the Shortland Islands in the Western Province on 6 February as very serious and is taking immediate action with the deployment of about 30 officers from Honiara to the common border with Bougainville.

As part of its immediate response, officers of the RSIPF Police Respond Team arrived in the Shortlands yesterday to support officers from Gizo and Lata Police Stations who initially responded to the incident on 6 February 2019.

RSIPF Deputy Commissioner (DC) for National Security and Operations Support, Juanita Matanga says, “An immediate response team of PRT officers were deployed yesterday to the Shortland Islands to boost the security and investigation into the armed robbery incident on 6 February 2019 at Maleai Village.”

It is alleged that around ten armed men attacked a local and an Asian man, and discharged firearms at Maleai Village early on 6 February 2019.

DC Matanga adds: “Additional RSIPF officers from various departments within the Force will be deployed from Honiara in the next couple of days to the western border region to ensure law and order is maintained and that our people in the Shortlands and Choiseul are protected from such incidents. The initial deployment will be for 7 – 14 days but work has started to find ways to deal with the ongoing border issue.”

“The incident at Maleai is a serious incursion into Solomon Islands sovereign territory and as the only security agency within the country we have to take serious action against such an incident,” explains DC Matanga.

She adds: “The deployment of officers from Honiara is a result of an urgent meeting held by the RSIPF Executive yesterday.”

DC Matanga says, “I appeal to communities in the Shortland Islands and Choiseul Province to assist your police with information about the alleged attackers and provide information on any suspicious criminal activities at the border area. Police will do community engagement in communities in the Shortlands and Choiseul.”

RSIPF Commissioner Matthew Varley and some members of his Executive briefed the Caretaker Cabinet on Thursday 7 February on the incident in the Shortlands and the actions the RSIPF is taking in response.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239