RSIPF engage in community awareness on NGE 2019

Feb/11 08:00
Solomon Islands

RSIPF engage in community awareness on NGE 2019

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Senior officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force as well as officers of the Community Policing Department are being deployed to communities in Honiara and throughout the provinces to brief the public on the role of the police as well as expectations of the public during the National General Election (NGE) set for 3 April 2019.

“Deputy Commissioners, Assistant Commissioners as well as officers of the Community Policing Department have started visiting communities including churches on Sundays in Honiara. Deputy Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners have been assigned certain provinces where they are expected to assist the provincial police commanders brief members of the communities on the role of the police during the NGE,” says Supervising RSIPF Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner, Gabriel Manelusi.

“It is important for the public to know that the RSIPF is the lead law enforcement agency in providing a safe and secure environment to enable a free and fair NGE. RSIPF will implement a proactive approach in terms of intelligence led policing to maintain law and order, crime reduction and conflict resolution initiatives,” DC Manelusi explains.

He adds: “RSIPF is a neutral organisation and will not support or seen to support any political party or individual candidate contesting the NGE.

“Members of the public are urged to report any incidences where individual police officers deemed to be supporting any particular political party or individual candidate,” says DC Manelusi.

DC Manelusi emphasises members of the public and registered voters also have responsibilities including:
• All registered voters have the right to make their own choice on who they should vote for to represent them in Parliament;
• All registered voters should not accept any candidate or any agent of a candidate who attempt to influence who they should vote for by promising them goods to any other rewards;
• The public must stay away from any illegal gatherings with the intention to disturb the voting process;
• Report to police any candidate who attempt to bribe them for their vote; and
• Report to police any of its officers seen to support any particular candidate or any political party.
“I want to encourage members of the public to attend these awareness meetings when they are held in your communities so they are informed and are able to pass the information to other people in the communities,” says DC Manelusi
He emphasises: “Let us all work together to ensure that the NGE is safe and secure and that our people exercise their constitutional right to choose their representatives in the National Parliament.”

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239